am I gonna beam up now?

While heading outside one recent morning to let out and feed the chickens, I noticed the sun burning off the last of the early mist. Thinking how beautifully inviting, the two-track road looked out our back door, I went back in to get my camera. I was kind of hoping that at the moment I snapped a photo, a deer, or fox or even a rabbit or turkey would stroll on by, by no. Then Hawg, my husband's kitty that went from he to she without a name change, suddenly said 'Hey, I want to be in the picture!' Like a moth to a flame, she bolted to the brightest patch and kind of looked as if she were about to beam up into an extra-terrestrial mother ship. (click photo to enlarge)
As I walked over to her, she did what all cats do when they want attention. Plop down where ever they may be, as if to say 'aren't I cute? now scratch my head.'